Examinations / Dental Check Up for Kids


Dental check ups for kids are very important for us to work out how healthy
(or unhealthy) a mouth is. The examination is super easy and generally very
fun. We use our eyes, a mirror and sometimes air to dry the teeth. It is
also common for us to take radiographs (x-rays) to help us see in between
the teeth and under the gums. After we have finished the examination, we
usually have a conversation about what we diagnosed and how to ensure your
child’s mouth stays as healthy as possible.

The first dental check up for kids with us will take a bit longer than you
would expect at your general dentist. This is so we can ask you lots of
questions and work out the best way to manage your child, taking into
consideration any challenges you may currently have.

Did you know early dental checkups for kids reduces the chances that your
child may have problems? We are the experts in dental check ups for kids
and pride ourselves on making the experience positive.